DOG-PLAY: Animal Assisted Therapy

What is Animal Assisted Therapy?
"Visiting Pets" "Therapy Dogs" "Therapy Pets" are just some of the names given 
to describe programs in which animals help people just by visiting with them. As 
participation in such programs grows so does the vocabulary describing different 
aspects of pet visiting. For example, the preferred use for the term "Animal 
Assisted Therapy" is for formal treatment programs, usually involving one 
particular animal and handler assigned to one particular client. The handler and 
the health care provider consult on specific goals to be accomplished, and plan 
how to accomplish those goals. The preferred use for more informal programs is 
"Animal Assisted Activities," but you will see a great variety of terms as 
groups struggle to find terms that are descriptive without being confusing. 
Why Take Animals Visiting In Health Care Facilities?
Visiting with animals can help people feel less lonely, and less depressed. 
Visits from dogs can provide a welcome change from routine, or the renewal of 
old friendships. People become more active and responsive both during and after 
visiting with animals.
An animal visit can offer entertainment, or a welcome distraction from pain and 
infirmity. People often talk to the dogs, and share with them their thoughts and 
feelings and memories. Animal visits provide something to look forward to. 
Stroking a dog or cat can reduce a person's blood pressure. Petting encourages 
use of hands and arms, stretching and turning.
The pet makes it easier for two strangers to talk. It gives people a common 
interest and provides a focus for conversation. Many people in hospitals or 
group homes have had to give up pet ownership and they miss the casual 
acceptance a pet gives them. A dog pays little attention to age or physical 
ability, but accepts people as they are. The benefits continue even after the 
visit. The visit leaves behind memories not only of the visit, but of past 
experiences. It offers something for people to share.
Can Other Kinds of Pets Participate?
Yes, most domestic animals can be suitable for visiting. The essential elements 
will be the same. In discussing therapy pets I will usually refer to dogs 
because they are by far the most common pet visitors. In most cases evaluation 
of whether the pet is a good prospective visitor will be the same regardless of 
the species. 
What Makes a Good Therapy Dog?
Visiting dogs must be social. The point of the program is the interaction 
between the dog and the people you are visiting. If the dog does not enjoy the 
visit the interaction will be less than ideal. The person needs to feel accepted 
by the dog. A doggie rejection could make the visit more hurtful than no visit 
at all. A good therapy dog is calm, tolerant and friendly. The visits should be 
pleasurable for both of you. Don't try to force therapy work on a dog.
Visiting dogs must be polite. It is rude for a person to challenge another for 
walking down a public street. The same is true for your dog. That it is natural 
for one dog to challenge another does not mean its polite. It is also rude for 
one person to touch another without permission. How would you react if some 
stranger on the street walked up to you and kissed you? A polite dog does not 
touch a person unless invited.
The balance between calmness, and friendliness is a difficult one. Even an 
excellent obedience dog may not be a good visiting dog if it shows little 
interest in meeting people. An aloof dog may be calm, but may cause people to 
feel rejected. A very friendly dog may have the best of intentions but may cause 
injury. A dog that is full of energy and always ready to work may be too active 
for most situations.
Any breed of dog can participate. My visiting dog, Oso, is a large breed terrier 
mix. I can take credit only for his schooling. The temperament that makes him 
suitable is natural to him, and the reason I chose to become involved. His 
girlfriend, Tanith, is also well schooled and well socialized. Her natural 
exuberance, however, is not well suited to the kind of visits we do. Maturity 
will probably make the difference for her.
Getting involved
If you are interested in getting involved in visiting with your dog, you will 
need more information. You will need to consider your dog's personality, 
temperament and behavior. Work with your dog in encountering unusual sights, 
sounds and smells. By joining a group you can take advantage of insurance, and 
get help evaluating your dog.

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