The Role of Pets in Enhancing Human Well-being: Effects on Child Development. 

Nienke Endenburg and Ben Baarda. 

Parents often obtain a pet because they consider them to be good for their 
children. These parents will state that their children become more responsible, 
are more sociable and develop character.26 However, the relationship between 
humans and animals and especially the influence of pets on children is a 
relatively new area for scientific research. One of the first to investigate 
this area was the American child psychologist Boris Levinson.33 Levinson worked 
with a boy who had many problems associated with social contact. On one occasion 
Levinson happened to have his dog with him in the office. The dog was not 
usually permitted into the office when clients were expected, but on this day 
the boy arrived earlier than expected for his appointment. The boy began to 
interact with the dog and to Levinson's surprise spoke to the dog; Levinson had 
not been able to provoke speech during the previous month. This was the 
beginning of his research, which has inspired many others to investigate this 
Early studies were mainly case studies, later followed by questionnaire, survey 
and interview approaches. Although a considerable number of interesting studies 
have since been reported, the mechanisms that lie behind the results obtained 
remain unclear. 
One of the problems is that it is difficult to conduct experimental research in 
this area. For example it is not possible to force people to take a pet while 
others are told that they cannot own one. It is therefore difficult to say 
anything about causal relationships. Sometimes in children's homes it is 
possible to give an animal to certain groups, while other similar groups do not 
get one, but this kind of study is rare and it is difficult to generalize these 
data to children living with their families under 'normal' circumstances. To 
overcome the problem of causality, longitudinal studies can be conducted but 
these are time consuming and expensive.26 
Despite these difficulties, some research has been carried out on the question 
of whether or not pets have an influence on the development of children. Melson 
and Peet40 found that being attached to a pet is related to positive emotional 
functioning. Bergesen10 affirmed this and wrote that positive self-esteem of 
children is enhanced by owning a pet. According to Poresky and Hendrix,46 it is 
not only social emotional development, but also cognitive development that can 
be enhanced by owning pets. In these and other studies it was possible to 
measure relationships and to demonstrate that there were some effects, yet the 
mechanisms that lie behind these effects did not attract much attention. 
Theoretical implications to be drawn from these investigations could provide 
more insight into the mechanisms which cause these effects. 
During the last decade of developmental psychology there has been more attention 
paid to why some children fail to develop properly under severe circumstances 
while others develop well. Several models have evolved to take account of the 
variables that influence the development of children.1, 9, 50-52 Although these 
models have much in common, they concentrate on different aspects of development 
and the variables that influence that development. This review gives an 
explanatory outline of child development and the variables that influence that 
development. The research conducted on the influence of pets on the development 
of children will be reviewed with reference to Belsky's model.9 

The Development of Children
Child development is an ongoing process. Children have to master tasks 
concerning cognitive development, as well as social and emotional development. 
There are several variables influencing this development. In Belsky's model9 
three domains of variables are identified: the characteristics of the child, 
personal psychological resources of the parents and contextual sources of stress 
and support. These domains interact with each other and will determine how the 
child will develop. A differentiation can be made between 'child 
characteristics' and 'child development'. In the domain of personal 
psychological resources of the parents the 'personality', the 'work', the 
'marital relations' and the 'parenting style' are important factors and in the 
domain of contextual sources of stress and support 'social network' and 'peer 
group' and also 'housing conditions', can be important. 
A child's characteristics include genetically determined factors such as 
temperament and intelligence. These factors influence the development of the 
child, but as they are relatively stable and cannot be influenced to a great 
extent by other variables such as parenting, they will not be discussed further. 

Child development consists of both social-emotional development and cognitive 
development. Social emotional development can be measured by self-esteem and a 
positive social orientation of the child, but social skills and a sense of 
social or moral responsibility can also contribute to the building of 
self-esteem. The level of cognitive development can be examined, when children 
learn to read, write and are able to do mathematics. The development of the 
child is also influenced by the social network of that child. For instance if 
the child has no friends their social development will be different from a child 
who has many friends. Cochran and Brassard20 found that the support provided by 
social networks can enhance self-esteem. There is considerable evidence that 
effective social support contributes to mental health and some evidence that it 
may provide a buffering, protective function against psychosocial stress.21, 44 
Parents are very important in the life of a child, therefore parenting will 
influence the development of that child. Parental use of induction or reasoning, 
consistent discipline and expression of warmth have been found to relate 
positively to self-esteem and intellectual achievement during the school-age 
years.9 Parents should also be sensitive to the needs of their children. The 
model of parental functioning assumes that there is a link between parents' 
psychological well-being and their parental functioning that can be traced back 
to the parents' own experiences while growing up. The developmental history of 
the parents will thus influence their personality. Other factors such as marital 
relations also influence parenting. It has been found that marital is the most 
important form of support and Belsky8 found that a positive marital relationship 
is a major supporting factor in competent parenting. This model can be extended 
by adding family relations and cohesion, in cases where family members are able 
to rely on each other and feel that accepted stressful experiences can be 
resolved together. 
Apart from the beneficial effect of social support on the development of 
children, social networks can also have a beneficial influence on parenting. One 
of the reasons social networks are important is that they provide emotional 
support. This support can be defined as the love and interpersonal acceptance an 
individual receives from others, either through explicit statements to that 
effect or as a result of considerate actions,9 so that people feel cared for and 
The work status of the parents is the last variable included in Belsky's model 
that can influence parenting. Unemployment can introduce a level of stress into 
the family and will also influence the financial status.3 If both parents work, 
the children may have other forms of daytime care, although there is no evidence 
that this has a significant negative or positive influence on their 
Having briefly discussed this model, it is important to remember that there will 
be other variables influencing the development of the child which are not 
mentioned in this model. However, we consider this model to be the most useful 
framework for examining the potential influence of pets on the development of 
children. It is also important to realize that the aforementioned variables are 
not independent but influence each other. For instance, parenting influences the 
social-emotional development of the child but this in turn influences parenting. 
Thus, the development of children is a dynamic process whose key feature lies in 
the process, not in the variable. There is a danger that researchers may 
concentrate on the variables rather than on the mechanisms involved.55 For 
pragmatic reasons, however, only the different variables in this relationship 
will be examined in this review. 

Direct Influences of Pets on the Development of Children
Child development can be separated into social emotional and cognitive 
development. First the direct influences will be discussed, starting with social 
emotional development. 
Social-Emotional Development
There is scientific evidence that self-esteem is an important aspect of the 
social emotional development of children.30, 50 If there are pets in the house, 
parents and children frequently share in taking care of the pet, which suggests 
that youngsters learn at an early age how to care for and nurture a dependent 
animal.29 For younger children, involvement, positive reinforcement and 
acceptance are important for building self-esteem. Accomplishing tasks 
appropriate to their age, when taking care of the pet with their parents, makes 
a child feel more competent. However, this process relies on parents knowing 
which tasks are appropriate. A 3-year-old cannot walk a dog, but can help with 
giving a dog water. If parents are aware of this fact, children receive positive 
reinforcement from their parents when they take care of an animal in a 
responsible way. As the child grows older the allocation of responsibility for 
pet-care management changes in a child centered family. Pre-school children 
enjoy imitating their parent's work, whereas the school-age child can manage 
some tasks alone and the teenager independently can assume certain 
responsibilities. Bergesen10 found that children's self-esteem scores increased 
significantly over a nine month period of keeping pets in their school class 
room. In particular, it was children with originally low self-esteem scores who 
showed the greatest improvements. Covert et al.24 found that early adolescent 
pet owners had higher self-esteem scores than non-pet owners. Davis25 found a 
significant positive association between pre-adolescents' affective 
relationships with the family dog and their perceived self-concept. 
Another aspect of social-emotional development is empathy, the child's ability 
to understand how someone else feels. According to Paul45 it is possible that by 
interacting with pets that are totally dependent on the owner, children learn to 
understand the feelings and needs of animals and those of fellow human beings 
from an early age. Bryant14 found that children who owned pets felt more empathy 
towards other people. Poresky and Hendrix47 also found that 3-6-year-old 
pet-owning children achieved higher empathy scores than their non-pet-owning 
counterparts. Ascione2 found that an animal-based humane education program in 
elementary school was related to higher empathy scores amongst fourth graders 
(although not amongst first, second and fifth graders). Poresky and Hendrix48 
claim that it is not owning pets per se, but particularly the compassion 
children feel towards pets, that is related to their empathy towards humans. 
Pets also have been cited as providing important 'social' support.14, 27, 32 
Bachman3 found that children regularly nominated pets when asked who they would 
go to with a problem. Brickel13 reports that companion animals can provide 
emotional support. Levinson35 believed that this sort of emotional support could 
be important for the healthy psychological development of all children. The 
'social' support given by pets has some advantages compared to the social 
support given by humans. Pets can make people feel unconditionally accepted, 
whereas fellow humans will judge and may criticize. Ross4 stated that social 
support given by other humans can be threatening. 
Enduring affection is a significant source of the potential benefit and pleasure 
that pets can bring to children. Children sense that pets will love and accept 
them unconditionally (even when the child gets angry or performs poorly at 
school16) and provide a source of nonjudgemental affection.5 This does not mean 
that pets can replace humans. They can give emotional support, but they cannot 
give instrumental support, such as advice, or help with homework. 
Cognitive Development
Poresky et a1.49 associated improved cognitive development with the bond between 
children and pets. It has been suggested that pet ownership might facilitate 
language acquisition and enhance verbal skills in children.22, 56 This would 
occur as a result of the pet functioning both as a patient recipient of the 
young child's babble and as an attractive verbal stimulus, eliciting 
communication from the child in the form of praise, orders, encouragement and 
punishment. However no real evidence has yet been offered to support these 
hypotheses.46 More research is needed to find out whether pets could have any 
influence on the cognitive development. 
This review of the influence of pets on the development of children shows that 
not all studies give the same results. This may be due to the fact that not 
every child likes taking care of an animal, some may even be afraid. Poresky et 
al.49 studied the attachment between the child and the pet. They found that 
attachment between child and pet was a more reliable measure than the owning of 
a pet per se. Melson39 also found that attachment to pets was positively related 
to the self-esteem of children in kindergarten; but there was no relationship 
between attachment to pets and self-esteem of second (mean age 8.14 years) and 
fifth (mean age 12.01 years) graders. Attachment might seem to be a mediating 
variable between the pet and the development of the child. 

Indirect Influences of Pets on the Development of Children
Parents play an important role in pet selection since it is the attitudes of 
parents which determine whether there will be a pet in the household and the 
type of pet owned. Studies have shown that people who owned a pet in childhood 
are significantly more likely to own a pet as an adult.26,45,57 People who had 
experience of a pet during childhood have a more positive attitude towards 
pets45 and a better understanding of the non-verbal signals of such a pet.6 Pet 
ownership occurs significantly more often in families with school-aged children 
and adolescents than in families without children.26, 42 
Many parents admit that pets can be valuable tools with which to educate 
children about life events.37, 56 Two such situations where parental reactions 
probably influence children is when an animal is born or when it dies. Children 
who have pets in the family will probably experience the death of an animal. 
This is a painful experience and the way in which their parents and others near 
to them deal with the situation will have an influence on how children cope with 
death in general throughout their lives. It is important for parents to discuss 
their feelings of sadness openly and to share the associated feelings with the 
child. Parents have to show that it is all right to have such feelings. Learning 
to cope with sad feelings, for instance when a pet dies or is euthanized, is 
important and parents have to help their children with it. The veterinarian can 
also play an important role here. To explain what happens when a pet is 
euthanized in a way children can understand, will help the child with the 
grieving process. 
At the other end of an animal's life is birth. For most children the birth of 
animals is an exciting moment that can give parents the opportunity to explain 
how life begins and can form part of sex education. 
Marital and Family Relations
Family influences are associated with both pet ownership/bonding and child 
development. Paul45 found significant results suggesting that dog ownership was 
associated with greater family cohesion. When a pet has been acquired there is 
an initial increase in the frequency of children's social interactions, at least 
within their own home. Cain18 found that of families surveyed in the USA, 52% 
reported experiencing an increase in the time the family spent together after 
they acquired their pets. As many as 70% reported an increase in family 
happiness and fun subsequent to pet acquisition. These subjective data have 
limitations, but suggest that people believe, or at least would like to believe, 
that their pets enhance family cohesion and increase the time spent with each 
other. Thus, people believe that pets act as social facilitators within the 
Some research has reported that pets can play a particularly important role in 
the lives of children who have inadequate or destructive family and social 
environments.11, 34, 53 However, Bryant and Whorley17 found that children's use 
of their pets for emotional support was most clearly related to a good 
experience of such support from their parents. Poresky and Hendrix47 also found 
that children with pets and a better home environment showed higher age-adjusted 
child development scores.47 
Sibling status and number are also significantly related to childhood pet 
ownership. There is a tendency for children with fewer siblings and those with 
no younger siblings in particular, to have more pets of their own and to appear 
to be more pet-oriented.15, 38, 45 Perhaps single and youngest children use 
animals to express feelings and perform behavior that other children are able to 
direct towards their younger sisters or brothers. 

Social Networks Influencing the Development of Children
Many people seem to experience social support in their interactions with animals 
or with other people through companion animals. Mugford and M'Comisky43 used the 
term social lubricant to describe the phenomenon where the presence of animals 
increased social contacts between people. This effect has been noted by a number 
of others.23, 35,36, 41,56 Guttman et al.23 suggested that the attractiveness of 
a child's pet to other children may, as a secondary effect, enhance the 
attractiveness of the child as a friend or playmate. MacDonald37 found that 84% 
of the 31 10-year-olds he interviewed reported that social contacts occurred 
with other children and adults while they exercised their dogs. Pet owning 
children have also been found to be significantly more popular with their 
classmates.23 Other results suggest that adolescent pet-owners are significantly 
more lonely than adolescent non-owners.7 However, it is possible that people who 
feel lonely obtain a pet to remedy the situation and so the issue of cause and 
effect remains unclear. Longitudinal studies are required to shed more light on 
the causal relationship and whether other variables play a mediating role. 
It may not be ownership as such, but attachment to the pet that is important. 
Melson39 has shown that involvement with a pet, and not simply pet ownership is 
related to children's involvement in non-school social activities. Further 
research is required to show whether or not attachment and involvement are the 
same concepts in this context. 
Social Networks Influencing Parenting
Research has demonstrated that social support is positively related to good 
parental functioning. This is not surprising since social support and general 
well-being have been repeatedly linked. In addition to the direct social support 
provided by pets, they can also provide an indirect support by serving as a 
catalyst for social contacts with other persons for both children and 
parents.23, 35, 36, 41, 56 
Parental Employment Status
Pets may play an important role when both parents are employed. It can be 
suggested that pets provide a constant in children's lives and that they are 
predictably responsive e.g. welcoming the children when they come home. 
Unfortunately, no research has been conducted in this area. However, the 
influence of pets on child development and parenting and whether this is 
dependent on the parents' employment status ought to be investigated. 

Can Pets Enhance the Development of Children?
The aim of this review was to set out the way in which pets could influence the 
development of children. Our approach was to place published research data in a 
theoretical framework. It becomes clear that pets can have positive influences 
on certain aspects of child development. However, as stated earlier, causal 
relationships are difficult to prove and more attention must be paid to the 
mechanisms behind these influences. 
Research to date has not been equally distributed in the different areas of 
development. Areas that have been neglected include whether pets have a direct 
influence on the cognitive development of children, or whether parents who allow 
pets in their family manifest a different parental style to those who do not. 
The employment status of the parents should also be taken into account when the 
influence of pets on the development of children is studied. It is possible that 
pets play different roles when both, one, or neither parent is employed. 
It would be interesting to see whether children and parents who own animals have 
better social networks than people without animals. Both the number and the 
quality of contacts should be considered, since it is possible that while people 
with pets may have more surface contacts, the quality of social support they 
enjoy does not differ from people without animals. 
When we talk about the development of children we also have to bear in mind both 
the factors that facilitate the development (protective factors) and the factors 
that can be a threat to this development (risk factors). From this review it 
appears that pets can act as protective factors, but the research reported did 
not consider potential negative aspects. For instance, it is possible that there 
may be more stress in a family where no one is willing to take care of the 
animal. Serpell58 on the other hand, suggested that benefits and problems with 
pets and children can signal existing or impending crises within families. 
Therefore some consideration should be given to the potential costs of owning 
pets, in order to define those situations where the benefits are greater than 
perceived costs. 
This review of the influence of pets on the development of children has made a 
preliminary attempt to place the research results into a theoretical framework. 
It can however be nothing more than a beginning. If we want to understand the 
mechanisms that lie behind these results we need research guided by theoretical 
frameworks in order to test developmental models and the roles of pets within 
them. The consequence of these ideas is that research must focus on all aspects 
of development and the pet child relationship. Such data is important for 
parents, teachers and professionals working in mental and physical health care. 

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