Therapeutic Aspects of the Human-Companion Animal 

by Sandra B. Barker, Ph.D. 
Psychiatric Times February 1999 Vol. XVI Issue 2

Although the majority of American households includes a pet, 
it is only recently that we have begun to explore the 
relationship between people and their pets and the possible 
physical and emotional benefits of that relationship. Early 
surveys reported a strong psychological and emotional 
attachment between people and their pets, and the term 
human-animal bond emerged to represent this attachment. 
Studies revealed that most pet owners view their pets as 
both enhancing the quality of family life by minimizing 
tension between family members and enhancing their owner's 
compassion for living things (Barker, 1993; Pet Theories, 
1984; Voith, 1985). Using a projective technique to 
investigate owners' closeness to their pet dogs, Barker and 
Barker (1988, 1990) found that dog owners were as 
emotionally close to their dogs as to their closest family 
member. They reported that more than one-third of the dog 
owners in their study were actually closer to their dogs 
than to any human family member. 
Benefits of Pet Ownership
With documentation of the strong human-companion animal bond 
came studies of how pet ownership may affect physical and 
mental health. Friedmann et al. (1980) conducted one of the 
first such studies, which compared the survival rates of pet 
owners and non-pet owners following a myocardial infarction 
(MI). Controlling for exercise, the investigators found a 
significantly higher survival rate, one year post-MI, for 
pet owners. Other studies supporting a cardiovascular 
benefit associated with pet ownership followed; they are 
summarized by Patronek and Glickman (1993). Perhaps the 
largest cardiovascular study of pet owners conducted to date 
involved over 5,700 participants taking part in a 
cardiovascular screening program in Australia (Anderson et 
al., 1992). The results showed that male pet owners had 
significantly lower systolic blood pressure, and 
triglyceride and cholesterol levels than males who did not 
own pets. The study also showed that, of females over the 
age of 40, those who owned pets had lower systolic blood 
pressure and triglyceride levels than those who did not. 
Other researchers have examined the relationship between pet 
ownership and more general health factors. Serpell (1991) 
compared adults before and after they acquired a pet, and 
found a decrease in minor health problems for pet owners. 
Examining reported health and morale in older adults living 
in the community, Lago et al. (1989) found pet ownership and 
attitudes toward pets to be significant predictors of these 
variables. Siegel (1990) compared physician utilization of 
Medicare recipients experiencing stressful life events and 
found lower utilization among pet owners compared to those 
who did not own pets. Allen et al. (1991) reported that 
females had lowered stress levels when their dogs were 
present compared with the presence of a human best friend or 
control condition. 
Professionals working with children have also written about 
the benefits of pet ownership. Erikson's (1963) stages of 
psychosocial development provide a useful framework for 
considering potential benefits. Pets may contribute to the 
development of 1) a child's basic sense of trust through the 
pet's constancy, security, reliability, love and affection, 
and ability to serve as a transitional object; 2) a sense of 
autonomy and initiative through the pet's serving as an 
active playmate and promoting exploration of the 
environment, and encouraging patience and self-control; 3) a 
sense of industry through the pet's trainability and 
response to the child's basic commands; and 4) a sense of 
identity through the pet's serving as a companion and 
confidant, and providing social and emotional support (Blue, 
1986; Brown et al., 1996; Bryant, 1990; Robin and ten 
Bensel, 1990). Others have focused on specific qualities 
that may be enhanced in children growing up in pet-owning 
households. Some researchers have found that children with 
pets score higher on measures of empathy, self-esteem and 
self-concept than those who do not. (Poresky and Hendrix, 
1990; Van Houtte and Jarvis, 1995). 
Focusing on a clinical population, Barker et al. (1997) 
showed the strong supportive role of pets in the childhood 
of sexual abuse survivors. In this retrospective study, they 
found that, in some cases, the pet was the only reported 
supportive entity in the survivor's childhood. In sexual 
abuse survivors, Nebbe (1998) reports that survivors with a 
strong human-animal bond in childhood report less abusive 
behavior as adults, and lower anger levels than those 
lacking a strong bond.
Other researchers have investigated the effects of 
introducing previously unknown companion animals into health 
care settings. These activities have ranged from simple 
visitation by a pet and its owner, to the purposeful 
inclusion of animals in patient treatment. This 
animal-assisted therapy has been shown to facilitate the 
achievement of therapeutic goals.
Animal Visitation
Studies have found that simply having an animal present or 
visiting is beneficial to children and adults in some health 
care situations. Friedmann et al. (1983) observed reductions 
in children's blood pressure levels when a dog was present 
during a mildly stressful task. More recently, Wells (1998) 
found that the presence of a dog during potentially painful 
medical procedures reduced chronically ill children's 
physiological and psychological levels of distress. 
Similarly, Nagengast et al. (1993) found children's levels 
of distress during physical examinations were lower when a 
companion animal was present in the room. 
Such findings have also been reported for adults. Katcher et 
al. (1984) reported reduced blood pressure levels for adults 
watching an aquarium. Others have addressed the positive 
influence of animals in acute care settings, nursing homes 
and rehabilitation settings, as well as in psychiatric 
settings (Barba, 1995; Brickel, 1980; Voelker, 1995). In 
nursing homes, residents have been found to be less 
depressed following animal visits (Francis et al., 1985). 
Patients hospitalized on a psychiatric service have been 
found to have better group attendance and fewer psychiatric 
symptoms when caged birds are present (Beck et al., 1986), 
and increased positive socialization has been found for 
Alzheimer's patients when a dog was present (Batson et al., 
Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) 
While receiving heightened media attention in recent years, 
AAT can be traced back to at least the 18th century when 
hippotherapy, or therapeutic horseback riding, was used as a 
medical intervention for improving postural control, joint 
disturbance, coordination and basic balance (Depauw, 1983). 
In addition to these physical benefits, hippotherapy has 
also been noted to improve feelings of self-worth and power 
as patients are freed from the mechanical supports of 
wheelchairs and crutches, and are able to move about on a 
powerful animal (Blue, 1986). Today, horses are also used in 
psychotherapy to assist patients in improving ego strength, 
self-confidence and social competence (Schneidhacker, 1994).
An early report of the potential of AAT in mental health 
care was provided by Boris Levinson, M.D., a Canadian child 
psychiatrist who included his dog in therapy sessions 
(1962). Based on his observations of the interaction between 
his child patients and the dog during therapy sessions, he 
reported that the dog served as a communication link, 
provided the child with a sense of security in the therapy 
setting and quickened the therapy process. Levinson found 
that AAT worked well with children who were nonverbal, 
inhibited, autistic, schizophrenic, withdrawn, 
obsessive-compulsive or culturally disadvantaged. He found 
the dog particularly beneficial in helping to strengthen 
autistic children's contact with reality. A more recent and 
controlled study of autistic children and AAT reported 
increased social response by children to both animal and 
therapist (Campbell and Katcher, 1992). 
An AAT/nature education program was found to be therapeutic 
for children in residential treatment for 
attention-deficit/hyperactive and conduct disorders (Katcher 
and Wilkins, 1994). The results of this controlled study 
indicated the AAT program was effective in decreasing 
agitated and aggressive behavior, improving cooperation with 
instructors, engaging students in learning, and in improving 
behavioral control in regular classrooms. 
Others have also addressed the potential therapeutic role of 
companion animals with other psychiatric populations such as 
those with dissociative disorders, Alzheimer's disease, 
dementia and other chronic mental illnesses (Arnold, 1995; 
Corson and Corson, 1978; Fritz et al., 1995; Hundley, 1991). 
The role of companion animals in psychotherapy, and their 
ability to serve as a clinical bridge, has also been 
described by Barker et al. (1997), Draper et al. (1990) and 
Mallon (1992). Based on clinical observations, such authors 
assert the ability of companion animals to demonstrate 
acceptance by allowing themselves to be petted, to reduce 
the threat of the therapy setting by their presence, and to 
serve as a distraction while patients discuss painful 
A recent study documented the anxiolytic effect of 
animal-assisted therapy with hospitalized psychiatry 
patients (Barker and Dawson, 1998). Using a controlled, 
cross-over design, the researchers compared patients' 
anxiety levels following AAT and following traditional 
therapeutic recreation (TR) activities. Results revealed 
significant reductions in anxiety following AAT for patients 
with mood disorders, psychotic disorders and other 
disorders. For the comparison group, only patients with mood 
disorders showed significant reductions in anxiety. 
Interestingly, the reduction in anxiety levels for the 
psychotic patients following AAT was twice as great as that 
found following TR. The researchers speculate that AAT may 
be less threatening than traditional group activities, that 
the physical contact such as hugging and petting the dog may 
result in the same physiological and psychological 
reductions in stress that have been reported for nonclinical 
populations, and that the dog may serve as an entertaining 
Although the majority of published studies of AAT involve 
dogs, other species have been noted to have beneficial 
effects as well. Several studies have noted the positive 
effect for mentally challenged children interacting with 
marine animals. Benefits of interacting with rehabilitated 
dolphins, sea turtles and fish were reported by Klingel 
(1993) to include progress toward, and attainment of, 
treatment goals and improved self-concept, as well as 
enjoyable recreational experiences. Nathanson and de Faria 
(1991) studied the orienting nonverbal and verbal responses 
of children with mental disabilities interacting in water 
with dolphins or in water with favorite toys away from 
dolphins. They report more significant improvements in 
hierarchical cognitive responses when children interacted 
with the dolphin. They also note the dolphin interaction 
produced both a greater number and higher level of responses 
than the interactions without the dolphins. 
As with any new field of inquiry, initial reports of the 
benefits of interacting with companion animals were 
primarily anecdotal or case reports. Based on such reports, 
studies of efficacy that often involved small sample sizes 
and a lack of controls were undertaken. As evidence has 
continued to accumulate, more rigorous controlled studies 
are being conducted, resulting in the emergence of a 
significant body of literature supporting the therapeutic 
value of the human-companion animal interaction in specific 
circumstances. However, more research is needed-particularly 
well-designed outcome studies of AAT programs and 
longitudinal studies of pet ownership-in order to increase 
our understanding of the human-companion animal interaction 
and the potential benefits to quality of life.
Dr. Barker is an associate professor of psychiatry, internal 
medicine, and anesthesiology at the Medical College of 
Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University and an adjunct 
professor of small animal clinical sciences at 
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. 
She has published numerous papers on the human-companion 
animal interaction.
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